Busting through Limitations that have been holding you back
Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on
Busting Limitations Hello. My name is S-J and I am a Mind, Energy, Emotion Coach and a Motivation Coach helping others to overcome procrastination and achieve their goals. We are all a work in progress, continually growing and expanding. As we evolve we have to turn inwards to upgrade outdated programs that have been running within us. I am so happy and grateful that I have the tools that can help me to move forward. I share this to help others. Contact me Raynbow Room on Facebook to book coaching sessions. This past week I hit a wall. BAM! No moving forward until I look at...
- Tags: changinglimitingbeliefs, changingoldhabits, overcomingfear, overcominglimitations, overcomingprocrastination, overcomingselfsabbotage
Crystals to Protect your Crystal Grid
Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on

Question I’ve been asked… I’ve set up my crystal grid does it need protecting from outside influences? Personally I’d say yes! Then you can rest assured knowing your grid is working at its full potential. Just incase someone comes into your home who has had a bad day, is fearful, has a negative thought pattern or simply has sucked up lower energy from a public place. Selenite or Labradorite are great to place around your crystal grid with the intention of protecting your grid from outside influences because both Selenite and Labradorite act as blockers. These blocker crystals prevent any unwanted outside energies from disturbing your grid....
Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on

GRIEF AND LOSS CRYSTALS AND ANGEL PRAYERS In times of loss it can feel like our heart is breaking and that things will never be the same again and in a lot of ways it will not. Life has changed massively and the world around us seems to be moving on yet we can feel as if we are drowning in a sea of loss and grief and may feel we don’t have any tools to get us through. ‘How can I ever be okay again?’ we may ask. We live in an ever changing world where energy is always moving and...
- Tags: angelprayersfordeathanddying, angelprayersforfunerals, angelprayersforgriefandloss, comfortwithdeathdyingloss, crystalangels, crystalangelsforgrieflossdyingdeathfunerals, crystalsforgriefandloss, supportandhelpwithdeathanddying
Working with Amethyst, Selenite and the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame for Transmuting all Unhelpful Energies
Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on

Here are some of the ways I work with the Cosmic Diamond Violet flame -
• Invoking the Cosmic Diamond Violet flame before a client comes for SourceSTAR and Crystal treatments
• Whenever I am worried about someone or concerned about a situation
• When someone around me is worried about a situation or worried about someone or something
• Breathing it in when I have discomfort or pain in my body
• Invoking the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame in a room or space to cleanse and clear
• Aura cleansing
• When I recognise an old pattern that I want to change
• Releasing old ancestral programs
• Anything unhelpful or undesirable that I would like to transform into something positive and more uplifting
• Teaching others how to use it
• When the Collective is worrying about something on a National or Global level
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- Tags: amethyst, blogpost, blogs, cosmic, cosmicdiamond, crystalgrids, crystalhealing, crystalprotection, diamond, flame, raynbowroom, selenite, transmutation, violet, violetflame
Black Tourmaline (Schorl) as a Shield of Protection
Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on

- Tags: arcgangelmichael, archangels, beaded, black, bracelet, CLEARING, crystal, feelingsafe, gemstone, grounding, healing, michael, necklace, negativity, pendant, positiveenergy, protection, raynbow, raynbowroom, room, tourmaline, transmuting