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Working with Amethyst, Selenite and the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame for Transmuting all Unhelpful Energies

Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on

This is one of my favourite techniques that I absolutely love and probably use it nearly every day.  It is so quick, easy and effective.  

Here are some of the ways I work with the Cosmic Diamond Violet flame - 

• Invoking the Cosmic Diamond Violet flame before a client comes for SourceSTAR and Crystal treatments

• Whenever I am worried about someone or concerned about a situation

• When someone around me is worried about a situation or worried about someone or something

• Breathing it in when I have discomfort or pain in my body

• Invoking the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame in a room or space to cleanse and clear 

• Aura cleansing  

• When I recognise an old pattern that I want to change

• Releasing old ancestral programs 

• Anything unhelpful or undesirable that I would like to transform into something positive and more uplifting

• Teaching others how to use it

• When the Collective is worrying about something on a National or Global level


Buy your Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame Crystal Kit at

or here at

What is the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame

The Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame is a powerful energy that can assist you with transmuting any undesirable situations, human miscreations from negative thoughtforms, spoken words, intentions, worry, fear and other negative patterns.   

Saint Germain and Archangel Zadkiel are keepers of the Violet Flame and Archangel Gabriel is keeper of the Cosmic Diamond.  Together they form the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame, a powerful game changer in your toolbox for life.  

When calling in the energy you can close your eyes and visualise the light or just hold the focused intention that you are invoking this violet diamond white light.  

This magic light helps to empower everyone and anyone using it, by changing the focus from worry, stress, fear and projecting negativity into the future, to having the power to change any situation or relationship using the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame techniques. Transmuting negativity into something beautiful and nourishing.  Using these tools are a wonderful allay to expand the love and ease in your life, increasing the ability to relax and focus on things that you DO want to bring into your reality and the reality of those you love and even for the whole world.  By using these techniques you can hugely increase your vibration from the lower energies of fear and worry, raising up to love and joy. 


Invoking the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame

It is simple to invoke and work with the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame.  You can call in the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame out loud or quietly in your mind, depending on your preference and the situation you are in.  You can even write your invocation on a piece of paper if you prefer.   


I call upon Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Gabriel, Keepers of the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to help me to (fill in your loving intention) for the Highest Good of all.  

Here is an example - 

I call upon Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Gabriel, Keepers of the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame. I ask you to help me to transmute all fear, worry, negative thoughtforms and all lower vibrations related to this whole situation (thinking of the situation) and everyone involved into love, peace, success and joy for the Highest Good of me and the Highest Good of all.  Thank you and so it is. 

 Another example for healing a relationship would be - 

I call upon Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Gabriel, Keepers of the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame. I ask you to help me to heal the relationship between (fill in the name or group of people) and (fill in the name or group of people). Transmuting all fear, worry, negative thoughts and all other lower vibrations related to this relationship and everyone involved into love, harmony, peace and ease for the Highest Good of me and the Highest Good of all.  Thank you and so it is. 

While working with the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame I love to work with Amethyst and Selenite.  Amethyst, since it's violet ray also has transmuting and cleansing abilities and Selenite as it represents the white Cosmic Diamond with it's capacity to purify and cleanse.  If working with Amethyst and Selenite along with the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame your invocation would be - 

I call upon Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Gabriel, Keepers of the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame, Amethyst and Selenite to help me to transmute (fill in what you would like to transmute) into (fill in with your loving intention) for the Highest Good of all.  

Sometimes I work with Amethyst and Selenite along with the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame and other times I just invoke the flame on it's own.  It really is personal preference and practicality.  If while out shopping and see a stressed staff member or shopper projecting their anger, taking it out on someone else it may not be practical to use actual crystals but you could invoke their energies if you felt guided to. Instead you could quickly invoke the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame, surrounding the people involved in a bubble of light with the intention of transmuting the anger, rage and frustration into calm, peace, love and harmony. Go with what you feel is right for you in each situation.

I have found that Amethyst and Selenite are physical and tactile so they can be helpful to focus on something that we cannot see.  Also I absolutely love crystal beings! So it's a no brainer for me to work with them and the crystals to help me.  

Here are some of the ways that I like to work with The Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame with Crystal Beings - 

 How to work with the Cosmic Diamond Violet flame for yourself and others

Have you ever noticed how that little one little worry thought or one little fear can gain traction and before you know it, it's all that you can think about?  Fear and worry can feel so constricting and limiting.  We can feel powerless, unable to create great things in life. Fear, worry and negative thought patterns drag us down.  These negative behaviours can stop us from having the life we dream of.  When stress, fear or worry is affecting you, a loved one or someone around you, you can invoke the magic violet diamond white flame by saying

I call upon Archangel Zadkiel and Gabriel and Saint Germain, keepers of the Cosmic Diamond Violet flame and I ask that you take away this worry, fear, stress now and transmute it into love, excitement for the future and inspiration for all the wonderful things that I can create.  Thank you and so it is.  

Or you could ask -  

I call upon Archangel Zadkiel and Gabriel and Saint Germain, keepers of the Cosmic Diamond Violet flame and I give you all of my negative thoughts, thought-forms and thought patterns (in this situation). I see them in the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame, cleansing and transmuting violet white light, changing them into uplifting, positive, optimistic and joyful thoughts for me moving forward. I ask this for the Highest good of me and the Highest Hood of all. Thank you and so it is. 

• Recommending Amethyst and Selenite Tumble Stone Crystals for others to carry with them

Recommending Amethyst and Selenite and visualising the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to others can help to calm those who tend to be stressed, nervous or fearful.  We all know someone who is a worrywart, fretting over everything, constantly playing out the worst possible outcomes in their mind, fearing the worst and paralysed by fear to move forward in their lives.   So recommend or give a gift of Amethyst and Selenite to bring more calm and peace of mind to others.

Amethyst and Selenite can be really helpful to ensure a good night sleep so that the mind is free from worry and stressful thoughts.  Therefore if we know that someone is being affected by stress, worry or fear in their lives it can really be useful to have a couple of crystals in your pocket or on your nightstand and a transmuting flame up your sleeve to let go of the negative vibes, give a boost of power and clear some head space for fabulous opportunities and wonderful situations and more love, peace and happiness to come into our lives, so pass these techniques on or give a couple of crystals as a gift*.  


• Cleansing and clearing a room or space

This is great if you are visiting a public place like a shopping mall, restaurant, hospital, school or staying in a hotel where there have been or are still lots of different people there.  Especially if there has been negative emotions flying around.  Take a hospital for example, sadly there will be people who are very unwell, with dis-ease in their bodies and no-doubt they feel anxious about their health or possible end of this life.  Their relatives and loved ones probably very worried about them.  Visiting places like this can definitely use some Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame light! Carrying your Amethyst and Selenite with you in your pocket can help to protect you in violet white light for the duration of the visit too.  Just say - 

I invoke the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to cleanse and clear (fill in the building/place/space that you would like to clear) Constantly transmute all lower energies and negativity into love, light and make it a pleasant place to be.  Selenite and Amethyst thank you for radiating the Cosmic Diamond Violet light, protecting me all the time that I am here.  I ask all of this for the highest good of me and the highest good of all.  Thank you and so it is.

Remember to close your eyes and visualise as you say your invocation. 

When visiting relatives or friends you can clear space before you go to visit or while you are there if you feel it needs it again.  You can do tthis anytime.  Oftentimes, families and those closest to us can bring up our stuff for healing and sometimes that can be uncomfortable and unpleasant to say the least.  Use your flaming light before a visit if you are apprehensive about going or if it is common for there to be arguments and disagreements .  If tension runs high or stress levels skyrocket during a visit definitely invoke your Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to help to keep balance and make it a more pleasant experience rather than one full of misery.  Again keep your Amethyst and Selenite with you in your pocket, with the intention of always protecting you and radiating out violet diamond light stopping any negativity in its tracks.  Just say - 

Thank you Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame for filling this whole house/building/place/space with Cosmic Diamond Violet light cleansing, clearing and transmuting all lower vibrations into love, peace, healing and harmony.  Amethyst and Selenite thank you for protecting me in the light of the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame.  I ask all of this in the name of love and for the highest good of all.  Thank you and so it is.  

Just see yourself surrounded in light and know that you are totally protected. 



Breathing in violet diamond white light when there is discomfort or stress in the body

If you have pain or discomfort in your body you can sit down or lie down somewhere comfortable and quiet where you won't be disturbed, bringing a focus to your breathing with the intention of relaxing your body.  After a couple of minutes of relaxing you can begin to visualise (or just hold the intention if you can't see it) violet and diamond white light all around you. The lights merging together, surrounding you as if you are enveloped in a bubble of violet white light.  Then just breathe in this beautiful calming light and breathe out this cleansing light.  Breathe the light into any part of the body that feels tight, uncomfortable or tense.  Keep breathing in and out, sensing this light with the intention of gently clearing and cleansing so that the energy flows freely around your body once again.   



• Aura Cleansing

This is a fun and relaxing way to cleanse your aura or cleanse someone else's aura.  You need 8 x Selenite Tumble Stones and 8 x Amethyst Tumble Stones. Decide where you are going to sit or lie down to do this.  Choose somewhere that is physically clean, quiet and comfortable, where  you won't be disturbed.  It is preferable to energetically cleanse your space with White Sage*, Palo Santo*, sound or your other preferred method. You can buy your Amethyst and Selenite Crystal Kit, White Sage and Palo Santo here at or Cleanse and clear your crystals* then Say your invocation and program your crystals to - 

I call upon Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Gabriel and Saint Germain, Keepers of the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame and I call upon the energies of Selenite and Amethyst to cleanse, clear and balance my aura and energy field for the highest good of me and the highest good of all.  Thank you and so it is.  

Then, place your crystals in a circle big enough for you to sit or lie down in.  Start by taking your 8 x Amethyst crystals and place them in N,S,E,W,NE,SW,NW and SE positions then place one Selenite tumble stone  between each of your Amethyst crystals.  

Then sit or lie down in the centre of the circle, visualise or just have the intention that you are being completely surrounded in violet diamond white light, focus on your breath, let your body relax, allowing the crystalline energy along with the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to cleanse, clear and balance your aura and energy field.  

Once you feel this is complete, gently get up and notice how your feel.  After working with crystals always cleanse and clear them with your favourite method.  


• Writing down a situation that you would like to transform

Again before programing, cleanse and clear your crystals. 

Consider what it is that you would like to change in your life or in the world.  Decide what you would like to transform the negativity into.  You can ask to have the negativity turned into love, peace, healing, wisdom, joy, beauty, abundance, wonderful opportunities, fun, harmony, success, confidence, self-belief, self-worth, motivation or anything that you would like so long as it is positive and always ask for the highest good of all involved and the highest good of all.  I always like to transmute everything into love so I might say - 

• Transmute into love, peace and harmony

• Transmute into love, joy and happiness

• Transmute into love, healing and wisdom

• Transmute into love, abundance and wonderful opportunities

One you have decided what you are transmuting, take you paper and write down - 

I invoke Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Gabriel, keepers of the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame, Amethyst and Selenite and I ask that you transmute all negativity (define the negativity or describe the negative situation) and transmute all negative thoughts, beliefs, patterns and unhelpful actions of everyone involved into love (and fill in the blank) for the highest good of me and the highest good of all .  Thank you and so it is.  

Then, place your crystals in a circle big enough for your folded piece of paper to fit in.  Start by taking your 8 x Amethyst crystals and place them in N,S,E,W,NE,SW,NW and SE positions then place one Selenite tumble stone  between each of your Amethyst crystals.  Visualise bright sparkling light coming from each of the crystals merging their beautiful Violet Diamond White light, energetically burning up all negativity, transmuting it into love and your desired loving energies.  Feel the peace and calm as you move forward free from worry, negative thoughts and stress.  Free to create magic in your life! 



Ancestral Patterns and Old Unhelpful Programs

The Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame is useful for changing old ancestral  programs and outdated patterns that are now unhelpful such as blame games, feeling ‘better than’ or ‘less than’ others, feeling unworthy or undeserving or playing out old patterns of lack, to name but a few. For this process it can be really helpful if you record your invocation and replay it back as you visualise at the same time.  You can say - 

I call upon Archangel Michael for protection during this process.  I also call in the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame, Archangels Zadkiel and Gabriel along with Saint Germain to come in to help and assist me with changing these old programs and patterns of (insert what you would like to transform) into (insert the positive that you wish more of).  I cancel all contracts, vows, agreements, programs and  patterns related to (fill in the blank)  that I or anyone else in this physical body has ever made, or anyone in my ancestral lineage has ever made.  They are cancelled made void now.  

Close your eyes and visualise a transmuting flame of violet, diamond white light in front of you.  See yourself sat at a table with previous contracts that have been signed by you, or someone in your ancestral lineage or in your body.  Take these contracts one at a time and take a big red rubber stamp that is sitting on your desk, that says the word 'CANCELLED' on it.  Pick it up and stamp 'CANCELLED' on each contract one at a time then rip it up and throw each one into the violet diamond white light filled flame, one at a time and keep doing this process until they are all null and void.  

Then once you are done, write some Positive Affirmations and say them out loud to further implement these changes.   You can find my Positive Affirmations for Life pdf to buy here - 


• Before Someone arrives for Crystal and SourceSTAR sessions

I Have a big Amethyst point and a piece of Selenite, that are part of my working crystal kit that are only used for this purpose.  This Amethyst and Selenite sit at the bottom of the treatment couch during Crystal and SourceSTAR sessions with clients.   Before the client arrives I cleanse and clear my Amethyst and Selenite crystals along with any other crystals I am using for the session, then I take them to my sacred space* where the session with my client will be taking place. I hold the Selenite and Amethyst in my hands, close my eyes and I say - 

I call upon Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Gabriel and Saint Germain, keepers of the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame, I call upon you Amethyst and Selenite to work with Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Germain to fill this whole room with the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame constantly transmuting all lower energies into healing, love and peace.  Thank you and so it is.  

Visualise a violet and pure white light coming from the Selenite and Amethyst crystals, merging and filling the whole space and then know that the space is ready for the person receiving healing.    


You can also say a short invocation of protection* before a healing session.  You can say -

I call upon the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to surround me with the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame of Protection so that I am fully protected from lower energies during this session.  Thank you and so it is.  


I hope you enjoyed these ideas of how to work with the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame along with Amethyst and Selenite.  These are only a handful of suggestions.  The possibilities with crystals and energy are infinite! Enjoy transforming the Earth into a lighter and love filled place.  Love Love Love Sarah-Jane

#crystals #violetflame #cosmicdiamondvioletflame #amethyst #selenite #cleansingcrystals #crystalshop #aurcleansing #auraleanser



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